Apps to find out the baby's sex


Waiting to find out the sex of your baby is an exciting time for many parents. And with technological advancements, there are now apps that promise to reveal the sex of your baby based on different methods and theories. In this article, we’ll explore how these apps work, discuss the best ones on the market, and answer some of the most common questions on the subject.

The Best Apps to Find Out the Baby's Sex

There are several apps available on the market that promise to help parents find out the sex of their baby. Below are some of the best recommended apps:

  1. “Baby Gender Predictor” – This app uses the Chinese table, the mother’s age and the month of conception to predict the baby’s gender. It also provides useful information about the different theories and methods of prediction.
  2. “The Bump – Baby Countdown” – In addition to providing information about the baby’s development, this app also includes a gender prediction tool based on the mother’s age and date of conception.
  3. “Baby Gender Mentor” – This app offers a more advanced service, which includes a DNA testing kit to identify the baby’s sex with an accuracy of 99.9%. However, it is important to note that this method requires a maternal blood sample.

The Efficiency of Methods

It is important to note that apps to find out the sex of your baby are not scientifically proven and should not be considered 100% accurate. While these methods can be fun and exciting, the only truly reliable way to determine the sex of your baby is through medical tests, such as ultrasound or DNA analysis.


Sex prediction apps can be a fun way to speculate and build anticipation during pregnancy. However, it’s important to remember that they are not scientifically proven and should not replace proper medical testing. If you’re anxious about finding out the sex of your baby, consult your doctor and get the necessary tests to get an accurate answer.


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