Free Apps to Detect Ghosts


The growing fascination with the paranormal has led to the development of several technological tools that allow users to explore the unknown. Among these, apps for detecting ghosts stand out. Available globally, these applications can be easily downloaded and used in different regions of the world. Here, we'll explore some of the best free apps for detecting ghosts, ensuring you can begin your paranormal journey with just a few clicks.

Ghost Detector Radar Simulator

This app is a popular choice among paranormal enthusiasts because it is easy to use and globally accessible. Ghost Detector Radar Simulator turns your mobile device into a radar that claims to detect ghosts around you. The app's interface is intuitive, and users can start detecting strange presences immediately after downloading. Additionally, it is possible to capture photos and videos of the supposed spirits, adding a layer of interactivity to the experience.


Real Ghost Detector – Radar

Real Ghost Detector – Radar is another free app that offers an immersive experience in detecting paranormal activities. Available for download worldwide, this application uses sensors present in your smartphone to search for anomalies in the environment that could indicate the presence of spirits. Users appreciate the radar's accuracy and the app's ability to provide specific details about detected entities, such as the intensity of the spiritual presence and their approximate location.


Spirit Board Simulator

Unlike conventional radars, Spirit Board Simulator offers a digital approach to the traditional ouija board. Although not a “detector” in the traditional sense, this app allows users to ask questions and receive answers that supposedly come from beyond. Available for download anywhere in the world, Spirit Board Simulator is an interactive and frightening way to communicate with the other world. It is important to use this app with caution as the ouija board is often associated with strong paranormal experiences.

Ghost Hunting Tools

Ghost Hunting Tools is an application that combines several functionalities to detect and communicate with ghosts. It uses both an EMF (electromagnetic field meter) and an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) to identify signs of a ghostly presence. The app is available globally and can be downloaded for free. Additionally, it offers a detailed experience by providing descriptions of the sounds captured and the energy variations detected around the user.



Paratek is an advanced application that uses algorithms to analyze variations in the environment that may indicate paranormal activity. Available worldwide, this app is particularly appreciated by more serious paranormal investigators due to its technical and scientific approach. With features like audio frequency analysis and motion detection, Paratek is a robust tool for those who take ghost hunting seriously.


When exploring the unknown, it is essential to maintain an open mind and a critical stance. The apps mentioned are fun and interesting tools to try out, but you should always consider their limitations and the lack of robust scientific evidence proving their effectiveness. Happy hunting!


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