Memory Full? Apps to Clean Your Cell Phone


Over time, it is common for your phone to accumulate unnecessary files that take up space and slow down your device. Cache files, duplicate photos, and apps that you no longer use can take up memory and affect performance. To help solve this problem, there are several apps that clean and organize your phone's storage, allowing you to recover space and improve performance. Below, you can find out about the main free and easy-to-use apps: download, used worldwide!


O CCleaner CCleaner is one of the best-known cleaning applications and is widely used on computers, with an equally efficient version for cell phones. With it, you can eliminate temporary files, accumulated cache and even manage installed applications to remove those that are not used. CCleaner stands out for its practicality and efficiency, offering a complete analysis of everything that can be cleaned on your cell phone. In addition, it has a storage monitoring system, helping you identify the files that take up the most space and decide what is safest to remove.



O CleanMaster Clean Master is one of the most popular and efficient options for freeing up memory on your phone. With a simple and easy-to-use interface, it allows you to quickly delete cache and accumulated files that take up unnecessary space. In addition, Clean Master also has a feature that helps cool down the device's CPU, which contributes to saving battery life. Another interesting feature of the application is the inclusion of an antivirus, which protects your phone against possible threats. It is widely used around the world and is a solid choice for those looking for optimization with security.

AVG Cleaner

O AVG Cleaner is more than just a cleaning app; it offers tools that help you monitor your phone’s performance on an ongoing basis. With AVG Cleaner, you can free up space by removing unnecessary files and even optimize battery usage. It also allows you to manage your photos, identifying and suggesting the deletion of duplicate or low-quality photos, which helps you keep your storage organized. This app also provides detailed information about the space used, helping you know where you can make improvements to ensure faster performance.

Files by Google

O Files by Google Files by Google is a reliable and efficient option for those looking for a free tool to clean and organize their cell phone storage. In addition to allowing for quick cleaning, it is also an excellent file manager, organizing your documents, photos, and videos into categories, which makes it easy to find any file. Files by Google identifies files that can be deleted without causing problems, such as duplicate photos and videos, and even suggests deleting apps that you don't use frequently. With billions of downloads, it is one of the most used apps worldwide due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

Norton Clean

O Norton Clean Norton Clean is developed by the same company that offers digital security solutions, and is therefore a great option for those looking for a reliable mobile phone cleaning app. Norton Clean removes accumulated cache from apps and deletes residual files left by uninstalled apps, safely freeing up memory. It also allows you to identify apps that consume a lot of battery, helping you better manage your phone's performance. Norton Clean's reputation makes it a trusted choice for users around the world who want efficient cleaning without sacrificing security.

These applications are effective alternatives to keep your cell phone with good performance and optimized memory. With them, you can perform the download and quickly organize your files, gaining more space and ensuring that your device remains agile and functional.

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