Apps that help you quit smoking


Quitting smoking is a challenge for many, but modern technology offers several tools that can help on this journey. In this article, we will explore some globally available apps that aim to help people kick the smoking habit. These apps can be downloaded onto smartphones and are packed with useful features that encourage and support users in their fight against smoking.

Apps that help you quit smoking


QuitNow! is an application that encourages its users to stop smoking by offering a community and motivational environment. Through its system, the application shows the time passed since the last cigarette, the amount of money saved and the health benefits that the user is starting to enjoy. Additionally, it has a chat where people can share their experiences and successes, providing mutual support.


Smoke Free

This app offers a scientific evidence-based method to help users quit smoking. Smoke Free provides diaries for users to record their desires to smoke and learn how to overcome them. Additionally, it provides over 20 different techniques for dealing with nicotine withdrawal and cravings. The app also tracks the user's progress, showing how long it has been since they quit smoking, how many cigarettes they have avoided, and how much money they have saved.


Quit Tracker

Quit Tracker is designed to motivate smokers to give up smoking by showing them the financial and health benefits from the day they quit smoking. The app allows the user to see how much money has been saved since starting the journey to quit smoking and how many days of life have been gained back. It also has an achievements feature that unlocks new objectives as users progress.

My QuitBuddy

My QuitBuddy is an Australian app that is also available globally. It offers complete customization, allowing users to set up personalized abandonment plans. In addition to monitoring time without smoking, it provides motivational reminders, diaries for the user to record moments of temptation and games to distract during nicotine cravings.



Kwit uses gamification techniques to help users quit smoking. With a focus on positive psychology, the app helps you build healthy habits by replacing the smoking habit. Kwit encourages users with daily challenge cards and keeps track of how many times the user has resisted the temptation to smoke.


All of these applications are available for download on platforms such as Google Play and the App Store, ensuring easy access to anyone in the world. By using any of these apps as an additional resource on the smoking cessation journey, users can find the support they need to overcome this difficult task. Not only do they offer direct and constant support, they also help you visualize progress, which can be extremely motivating.


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